
URI Expert: Deer Ticks Up 52% This Summer

By Susan Hundertmark A 38-year-old Corunna woman, who says she is fighting for her life with Lyme disease, is blaming her plight on a lack of public education and a lack of physician education about the fastest growing infectious disease in North

He explained that farmers and even commercial exterminators come into his office regularly to identify the type of tick and whether it's a disease carrier. Ticks are known for being a vector, or carrier, of a number of diseases, including Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease can be difficult to detect unless one knows that they have been bitten by a tick.

The painful truth about Lyme Disease — it's time to pull away the veil of misunderstanding. Video Rating: 4 / 5.

He explained that farmers and even commercial exterminators come into his office regularly to identify the type of tick and whether it's a disease carrier. Ticks are known for being a vector, or carrier, of a number of diseases, including Lyme Disease

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