
A Break for the Philharmonic's Summer Concerts

The orchestra will perform with the tenor Andrea Bocelli on Sept. 15 on Central Park's Great Lawn, a special event outside its usual parks series. Two days later at Avery Fisher Hall, it will play William Walton's music from the movie “Henry V,”

he started working for composer/arranger/producer David Foster as a rehearsal singer, which led to some high-profile events, including the 1998 Grammy Awards (at which he rehearsed Foster's 'The Prayer' with Celine Dion in place of Andrea Bocelli).

Internationally acclaimed tenor Andrea Bocelli will perform a free concert on Central Park's Great Lawn, Thursday, September 15th with the New York Philharmonic, conducted by its music director Alan Gilbert,

Andrea Bocelli Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli will perform in Israel at the foothills of Masada in a special concert on June 12. The internationally popular.

he started working for composer/arranger/producer David Foster as a rehearsal singer, which led to some high-profile events, including the 1998 Grammy Awards (at which he rehearsed Foster's 'The Prayer' with Celine Dion in place of Andrea Bocelli).

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