
Gerresheimer firmly on growth track


Düsseldorf (ots) –

– Group revenues climb 9.2 percent to EUR 311.4m in Q3 2012 – Third quarter adjusted EBITDA margin at 19.5 percent

– Net income is EUR 14.4 m, adjusted EPS is EUR 0.62

– Outlook for financial year 2012 confirmed

Gerresheimer AG, one of the leading global partners to the pharma and healthcare industry, is still on course for growth. „Our products, which improve health and well- being, are in high demand around the globe. Accordingly our revenue growth rates continue to be high“, said Uwe Röhrhoff, CEO of Gerresheimer AG.

Gerresheimer has experienced marked growth in revenues in the third quarter of the 2012 financial year (December 1, 2011 to November 30, 2012) of 9.2 percent to EUR 311.4m. At constant exchange rates growth in revenues was 6.3 percent. All divisions contributed to this positive development.

„Sales of pharmaceutical plastic packaging products in South America have developed particularly positively and we have also achieved good growth in sales of vials, flacons and jars for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Demand for self-medication and diagnostics products such as asthma inhalers, insulin pens and lancing devices for diabetics is also high,“ added Uwe Röhrhoff.

Gerresheimer’s operating result (adjusted EBITDA) was EUR 60.8m in the third quarter of 2012, which is EUR 3.7m or 6.5 percent higher than the figure for the same quarter of 2011. The adjusted EBITDA margin was 19.5 percent in the third quarter (prior year 20.0 percent). Net income declined due to one-off effects to EUR 14.4m, which is EUR 4.8m lower than the prior year quarter’s figure. Third quarter earnings per share of EUR 0.62 were EUR 0.08 slightly lower than one year ago.


Gerresheimer expects the growth of revenues in the financial year 2012 to be unchanged at 9 to 10 percent at constant exchange rates. The adjusted EBITDA margin forecast also remains the same at 19.5 percent. The company is still expecting the investment volume in the financial year 2012 to be around EUR 120m.

You can read the complete quarterly report at: www.gerresheimer.com/en/investor-relations/reports.html

Orginal-Meldung: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/9072/2337094/gerresheimer-firmly-on-growth-track/api



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