
Marathon Beteiligungs GmbH closes sale transaction of stake in Telekom Austria

Vienna (ots) – Marathon Beteiligungs GmbH („Marathon“), a wholly owned subsidiary of RPR Privatstiftung, a private trust set up by the Austrian investor Mr. Ronny Pecik, has settled the additional sale of approximately 16% of the outstanding shares of Telekom Austria AG („Telekom Austria“) to a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. („AMX“) today. Marathon is the surviving entity of an upstream merger (effective date: September 18, 2012) with its former subsidiary Marathon Zwei Beteiligungs GmbH, which has publicly disclosed on June 15, 2012 that it has entered into an agreement with AMX to dispose of its entire shareholding in Telekom Austria AG, consisting of approximately 21% of the outstanding shares of Telekom Austria. As disclosed on June 15, 2012 approximately 5% of the outstanding shares of Telekom Austria have already been transferred on that day to AMX. As of today and taking into consideration the above described transaction, Marathon does not hold any further shares in Telekom Austria.

Mr. Ronny Pecik, managing director of Marathon and vice chairman of the supervisory board of Telekom Austria, explained after the closing of the transaction that he is convinced that AMX is a strong partner for Telekom Austria, which is faced with a challenging environment. Rückfragehinweis: Marathon Beteiligungs GmbH Mag. Kerstin Tater Tel: +43 1 532 18 16



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